Having been born in South Korea when it was only nominally a democracy and under martial law, I don’t take our system of government for granted.  The United States has given my family and me an incredible opportunity, and I am fortunate to have been able to make the most of it. 

More than fifteen years ago, I founded Standard General, an investment manager focused on distressed and turnaround investing.  One of the industries where we have had our greatest successes is local broadcasting.  Like many industries we invest in, conventional wisdom is that this industry’s best days are behind it.  But that notion couldn’t be more wrong. The core product of a broadcasting station—local news—is more relevant than ever.

Preserving broadcast news is critical to the resurgence of American journalism and the future of our democracy, which requires robust and probing reporting. I have always taken seriously the power of broadcast media to inform the public about important issues within their communities, their states and across the nation. Strengthening civic engagement goes hand in hand with access to trusted information. That’s why I believe that investment and growth in local, independent journalism is so crucial to the future.

Read full story in RealClear Policy

RealClear Policy | By Soo Kim